How To Build A Free Website

How To Build A Free Website

So you are ready to start your new online business. Give yourself a pat on the back because this is one of the easiest paths to entrepreneurship with the lowest initial cost. Better yet, e-commerce offers the potential for a very high return on investment, high-profit margins, and the ability to live and work anywhere in the world.

It's not like the opportunity to make money online is also over. According to industry observers eMarketer, e-commerce spending reached nearly $ 2 trillion in 2016 worldwide, representing about 8.7 percent of total retail spending. As you can see, there is still plenty of room for new internet entrepreneurs to get into action.

But first thing. If you want to start an online business, you need ... a website, of course.

This will be where you market your business and products on the internet. How do you communicate with your prospects? How do you convince them to become customers? This is the foundation for all your online marketing efforts, no matter if you use email marketing, paid advertising, social media marketing, or whatever.

One thing you might forget if you think you simply sell the product through an eBay or ClickBank site. When people on Google search or other search engines for products like those you sell, you need a website to make sure they find your business in search results.

Build Your Website for Free

The great thing is you can create a website that does everything you need without having to hire a web designer, which can be very expensive. Actually, you can create your own customized website for free. And I'll tell you all about the resources you can use to do it and what steps to take to make it happen.

And do not worry, you do not have to be a tech genius, coder, or programmer to do it. There are many programs, called website creation software or content management systems, that allow people, regardless of their background or experience, to create, update, and maintain a website.

A website makes your business legitimate and gives you a platform to be successful. And if you're concerned that a free solution will mean that you look unprofessional or your site will look a million people out there ... never fear. This free program lets you customize the look and feel of your site - you will be unique and your business will stand out.

Oh, and this site will look great on mobile devices too. This is key because the number of people surfing the web on smartphones or tablets overtakes desktop computers by 2014. And about 30 percent of e-commerce sales are made from mobile devices now. Now let's start building your website.

Choosing a Website Build Solution

Your first step is to choose a free website builder program that's right for you. You have several quality options. The number one thing to look for is if it will support your business goals. If you plan to have an online shopping cart, use it for marketing purposes, and all that - you need to make sure the content management system is handled. Fortunately, it does not matter, because the free solution also offers e-commerce support.

Hands on one of the best free web design tools are WordPress, which is open source software, created by a non-profit company.

WordPress is a very versatile tool, customizable to streamline your online business. But here are some similar sources you can use to create your free website. Each has a unique interface to organize all elements of your site. Just follow the instructions. Other options include:


This solution also offers free hosting, which allows your site to "live" online. You must register and create an account.

Note: Although this article focuses on free resources, if you have a commercial intention to make money with your website, then I would consider getting your own paid hosting account and utilizing a self-hosted WordPress solution.

Choosing a Domain

After determining which content management system to use, it's time to set up your web address. This is how people find you online, so this is not something you should not live. The name should attract attention, impress, and connect with your business. It also should not be too long. You want to make sure it's easy to read offline by word of mouth and online, via social media. And it should be easy to type in a web browser.

For example, let's say you have a business that sells nutritional supplements to lose weight. You do not want to use this as your domain:

It would be better to use this:

After you approve the name, or better yet, a bunch of names, you try to register them. Hopefully, it's not taken! That's why you need to have alternatives in mind.

With this free program, you usually enter its name into your web address, as in the example above. You can then register a paid domain if you want to change it in the future and only have ".com" or the attached suffix.

Design, Tweak and Create Your Webpage

Fortunately, with this content management system, you do not have to complete the default layout, color, or font. There are templates you can use to radically change the look of your site and make it unique, and how to tweak pages in a smoother way. For each web building solution above, there are dozens of templates available.

Overall, remember to keep things simple. You want your website easy to navigate and use. A great way to test this is to ask your friends or relatives to visit your site and provide feedback to you.

There are several key elements to creating a website that attracts your prospect's attention and stores it on the page. You do not want them to click because your site is not visually appealing. Photos related to your business are a must. The video is the best way to engage your potential customers. You should also have a marketing copy on your site that clearly outlines the benefits your business and product can offer. Be original, not "sales."

The most important thing you want to say to your customers - what will sell them to you - should be "above the fold," so they do not have to scroll down to see it. In this veins, it could be a good idea to include a title at the top of your site, something that quickly notifies your prospect of actually being. This can even stand out from your business name. Some other important elements to an effective website:

� About the page - tell your story and background so potential customers know, like, and trust you.
� Evidence - include testimonials, positive reviews, industry awards ... anything that backs up your claims about your product.
� The buttons look great for buy buttons, email signups, and other calls to action.
� Make a special offer very prominent and visible.
� Include a "menu" at the top that lets web surfers see what's on your site at a glance.

And to ensure that search engines like Google pay attention to your site, and place it higher in search rankings, you should also add content regularly, including written content like blog posts and videos. You want to be known as a trusted authority in your niche. It also lets potential customers know you.

Of course, the design should fit your business. If you sell information products, say travel guides to Italy, you do not want to have Grand Canyon photos. If you get stuck in an idea, you can always "borrow" design elements from your competitor's site.

Final Though Building a Free Website

You may feel overwhelmed at this point. But you do not have to. Just take your site creation step by step. As you live, you will not be successful overnight. But follow the above guidelines and you will start getting more website traffic to your online presence.
