Two-week Summer Symposium 'The EU and Human Rights in a Time of Crisis'

Maynooth University, Ireland

Two-week Summer Symposium 'The EU and Human Rights in a Time of Crisis'
17 June - 1 July 2017
Deadline for application: 15 May 2017

The two-week summer school organized by Maynooth University in cooperation with the Jean Monnet and Erasmus+ programme will provide students with a critical understanding of the role of the European Union (EU) as a global promoter of human rights. Participants will discuss emerging challenges faced by the EU in the new international politics domain, including Brexit, the Trump Administration and foreign policy, migration, humanitarian crises and human rights.

By analysing relevant Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) case law, EU legislative and policy measures, the course will critically examine the role of human rights’ in EU law and policy.

There will be a combination of teaching strategies, with specific attention to students with disabilities and non-native English speakers. Students will foster the skills to critique, analyse and problem-solve through class discussions and debates. A Maynooth University PhD candidate will provide support as class tutor.

Lectures take place from 9 am until late afternoon, with a break for lunch. Evening activities include wine receptions, debates, film screenings, and round tables, with excellent opportunities for networking.

Learning objectives
On completion of the course, scholars and participants will be able to:
• Understand the evolution of the protection of human rights within the EU legal order.
• Understand the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in protecting human rights.
• Critically analyse interrelations between different sources of law in the EU legal system and their role in the protection of human rights.
• Demonstrate awareness of and critically evaluate the evolution of human rights promotion as an EU objective.
• Understand deeply the role of the EU as a global human rights promoterWhat: Explore the evolution of human rights protection within the EU, and discuss challenges faced by the EU in the current political climate including migration, humanitarian crises, neighbourhood policy, and enlargement.

This is an extraordinary opportunity to meet some of Europe’s most influential advisors, attorneys and professors, and hear them debate the relationship between European integration and the EU ‘s actions to promote international justice.

Who should attend?

The summer school is open to final-year undergraduate, post-graduate students (including prospective LLM students) and doctoral students. It is also open to researchers and young professionals in law, political science and international and European studies, and in related sectors. Undergraduate students can also participate.
English Requirements

The program is conducted in English. Participants must be proficient in English, and may be asked to produce evidence of such.

The full programme with the names of guest speakers, practical information on costs and accommodation, as well as online registration are available from the Maynooth University website.
